Mezcal Macurichos

Mezcal Tepeztate

Mezcal Tepeztate

Mezcal Tepeztate
  • Mezcal produced in Santiago Matatlán, Oaxaca
  • Maestro Mezcalero Rosalino Martinez Sernas
  • Made from 100% Tepeztate (Agave marmorata) matured between 18–25 years
  • Cooked in conical earthen pit oven using pine and mesquite wood
  • Milled using traditional horse-drawn stone tahona
  • Fermented in Encino oak vats (tinas) using proprietary well water
  • Distilled twice using copper pot stills
  • Rested three and a half years in glass
  • Bright aquamarine hues rise from the glass with an aroma of fresh bell peppers and bright blue flowers; a burst of sweet vegetal notes—more bell pepper, corn kernels, cilantro, and Thai basil—is grounded with a faintly bitter green note, like cucumber skins in an arugula salad
  • 50% ABV (ABV may vary batch to batch)
This is a Tepeztate with distinct structure; the variety’s benchmark profile is in a playful duel with citrus. It’s hard to imagine a more delightful mezcal to pair with cuisine!


Spirit Type:
Agave / Sotol / Pox
Spirit Sub Type:

Sizes Available

Full Bottle MX-XMC-03-NV 6/750ml

Tasting Notes

Produced by Maestro Mezcalero Rosalino Martinez Sernas in Santiago Matatlán, Oaxaca. Tepeztate is a massive and beloved agave, ranging in age from 18 to 30 years before harvest! This agave was cooked in an earthen oven, milled using a traditional, stone tahona mill, fermented in wooden vats, and distilled twice using copper pot stills.

Bright aquamarine hues seem to rise from the glass along with the aroma, full of fresh bell peppers and bright blue flowers. A burst of sweet vegetal notes—more bell pepper, corn kernels, cilantro, and Thai basil—is grounded with a faintly bitter green note, like cucumber skins in an arugula salad. Raw sawdust, lime zest, and a touch of Sichuan peppercorns trail off into subtle jasmine and delicate floral patterns. No 100-proof spirit should be called refreshing, but here we are!

This is a Tepeztate with distinct structure; the variety’s benchmark profile is in a playful duel with citrus. It’s hard to imagine a more delightful mezcal to pair with cuisine! 50% ABV