La Medida Mezcal

Mezcal Madrecuishe 'Antonio'

Mezcal Madrecuishe 'Antonio'

Mezcal Madrecuishe Antonio
  • Mezcal produced in Miahuatlán, Oaxaca
  • Maestro Mezcalero Antonio Cortés Aragon
  • 100% Madrecuishe (Agave karwinskii)
  • Cooked in a conical earthen oven and crushed using a traditional stone tahona mill drawn by a bull (!)
  • Fermented in open-air wooden tanks (tinas)
  • Distilled twice using copper pot stills with hybrid refrescadera condenser
  • This is an outstanding and surprising example of Madrecuishe—green melon rind dances with the thick aroma of fresh peanut shells and traces of sweet green herbs like cilantro. Truly delightful.
  • 48% ABV (ABV may vary batch to batch)


Spirit Type:
Agave / Sotol / Pox
Spirit Sub Type:

Sizes Available

Full Bottle MX-XLM-04-NV 12/750ml
Alternate MX-XLM-04-NVA 12/750ml
Flasks MX-XLM-04-NVR 24/200ml

Tasting Notes

The “mother” of Agave karwinskii, the large and resinous Madrecuishe grows tall and proud in Miahuatlán. A long, cylindrical trunk (which once harvested resembles a huge cigar) is topped with a tall, green bloom of leaves, spreading out from the trunk’s heart. From this trunk or stem, the Madrecuishe carries a lot of fiber alongside its highly concentrated sugars. A balance of fruity and vegetal notes is a hallmark of the distillate, implying everything from leafy green herbs to sweet carrots to raspberry seeds. From Maestro Mezcalero Antonio Cortés Aragon, this is an outstanding and surprising example—green melon rind dances with the thick aroma of fresh peanut shells and traces of sweet green herbs like cilantro. Truly delightful.