Moriki Brewery

Tae No Hana 'Sublime Beauty' Junmai Kimoto Muroka Nama Genshu Sake

Tae No Hana 'Sublime Beauty' Junmai Kimoto Muroka Nama Genshu Sake

NAMA Junmai Arabashiri Kimoto Muroka Genshu Sake Sublime Beauty Tae no Hana

Brewery: Moriki Shuzo • Prefecture: Mie• Rice: Organic Yamada Nishiki  milled to 90%  •  Sake Meter Value: +5  •  Acidity: 1.7 •  ABV: 17%

  • Full bodied and rich with prominent acidity
  • Savory-driven with notes of freshly cut herbs, apple, and rice bran
  • Gravity-pressed from the initial “arabashiri” part of the pressing

Premium Yamada Nishiki rice is only polished to 90% remaining, giving the sake dark and savory notes, balanced by bright aromas of freshly cut herbs and prominent acidity. The sake starts with full-bodied rich umami and ends with refreshing apple and rice bran acidity.

In this unique expression brewmaster Rumiko Moriki has decided to craft a sake with minimal intervention after brewing, the result coming out brash and alive from the bottle. The older kimoto method is employed to give the sake depth and acidity, only the initial fresh run of sake is taken during pressing (arabashiri), the liquid is not fined or filtered by carbon  to preserve its unique character, (muroka), it is left at cask strength without water dilution (genshu) and finally skips the step of pasteurization to give the sake brightness and lift (nama).



Mie Prefecture
Yamada Nishiki Rice

Sizes Available

Full Bottle JP-MRK-01-NV 12/720ml
Magnum JP-MRK-01-NVM 6/1800ml
