Ried Schenkenbichl 1 ÖTW Kamptal DAC Grüner Veltliner
Ried Schenkenbichl 1 ÖTW Kamptal DAC Grüner Veltliner
The grapes of this wine come20-60 year old vines from the highest elevated terraces of the Schenkenbichl vineyard, grown about 315m above sea level. 60-year-old vines are rooted in brittle, metamorphic soil, which is made up of the remains of an ancient mountain range. It predominantly consists of dark amphibolite, which come all the way to the surface.
Vines have been raised on the Schenkenbichl vineyard site for many centuries. The slope sits just north of the town of Langenlois. The name has been the same since the first written record from1402 and was likely derived from an old wine tavern (Schenke) at the foot of the hill (Bühel). The exposure to the west wind keeps the temperature of the south-facing slope relatively cool despite intense sunlight. It is characterized by small and large terraces, which for Hiedler, are located at the upper limit. At that elevation, the Grüner Veltliner grows on metamorphic rock, mostly dark amphibolite. The amphibolite bedrock is covered by a cambisol formed from mica-rich silicates. The rocky subsoil manifests itself in the form of deep, subtle fruit and a herbal salinity, which makes the Grüner Veltliner growing here unmistakable.
Sizes Available
Full Bottle | AT-HDL-04-23 | 6/750ml |