Gruppo Caffo

Brandy Dominique

Brandy Dominique

Brandy Dominique
  • Aged brandy produced by Caffo Distilleria Friulia in Udine, Italy
  • Made from Pinot Grigio and Refosco grapes
  • Distilled in a pot still
  • Aged for 3 years in oak casks
  • A warm and inviting nose of strawberry, fresh cream, bananas foster, and cacao seamlessly transitions to a palate of toasted wheat, strawberry jam, and cinnamon; vanilla, tarragon, and custard apple round out the finish
  • 40% ABV

Caffo’s Brandy Dominique was the first spirit produced by Caffo. An elegant and intriguing sipper in its own right, try it in place of Cognac in your next Sidecar or Metropole cocktail!


Spirit Type:
Spirit Sub Type:
Aged / Other

Sizes Available

Full Bottle IT-XGC-08-NV 12/750ml

Tasting Notes

Caffo Brandy Dominique was the first spirit produced by Caffo. Pot distilled by Caffo Distilleria Friulia in Udine, Italy, from Pinot Grigio and Refosco grapes, it is aged 3 years in oak casks before bottling. A warm and inviting nose of strawberry, fresh cream, bananas foster, and cacao seamlessly transitions to a palate of toasted wheat, strawberry jam, and cinnamon. Vanilla, tarragon, and cherimoya custard apple round out the finish. An elegant and intriguing sipper in its own right, try it in place of Cognac in your next Sidecar or Metropole cocktail! 40% ABV.