Bill & Hold Contract Agreement – NJ

MM slash DD slash YYYY


All sales, including Bill and Hold (“B&H”) are due and payable in full on Net 30-day terms from date of agreement or first shipment, whichever is earlier.


The monthly storage rate is $0.60 per case, with a minimum of $6.00 per SKU per month. Storage will be charged on a monthly basis, on all case quantities on hand, as of the first of the month. This rate is subject to change with 60 days’ notice as per Skurnik Wines’ contractual agreement with its warehouse. B&H storage invoices will have normal net 30-day terms. Product sold but not yet shipped will be insured at selling price by Skurnik Wines & Spirits until delivered to the customer.


Shipments to customer will be made in full cases only. Each B&H shipment will be subject to our 3cs or $400-value minimum and may be combined with non-B&H items. A zero-dollar value bill of lading will accompany shipments which were originally purchased through a B&H agreement. All bill & hold quantities must be shipped within 75 days of their purchase date.


Please note ALL terms and conditions are compliant with the New Jersey Alcohol Beverage Control rulings.

Bill & Hold Contract Agreement - NY

Skurnik Wines & Spirits